Being A Balanced Babe (Part 1): Leah Chavie


Best thing about being your own boss?

Leah:  I have the faith and I work hard every single day. I maintain positive energy and positive vibes. I now feel like I am right where I’m  meant to be in life, and everything is falling into place. I believe there are no coincidences that have brought me to this point.

I’ve had some loss in my life which has humbled me, and I believe people come into our lives for a reason.  I find that I give so much because I want to.  I just want to be able to help others and make their experience here a pleasant one.  I just really love to give! Sometimes  it’s hard for me to not give so much because I know how to use my laser so well and I know my treatments well.   I find myself thinking, oh well if I just add this little zap it will do so much more for your skin!

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