Feel Alert Throughout The Whole Day By Drinking This!


There are so many benefits of juicing that I just can’t squeeze them allll into this article! I usually juice the veggies that I don’t feel like cooking for that day. I usually don’t eat carrots and parsley with a meal, so these are two veggies that I love to juice. The vitamins and minerals from juicing is thought to  fight cancer, decrease inflammation, and what I want to talk more about today; boost mental alertness!

I will make myself either a green smoothie or fresh vegetable juice every morning, and I also drink veggie juice in the afternoon if time allows. I usually make a big batch and store it in the fridge in a air tight pitcher, but I never leave juice in the fridge for longer than a day and a half.  If it becomes oxidized at all (exposure to oxygen etc), then it will go rancid.

Juicing every morning has given me more energy, increased mental alertness throughout the day, and I have been fighting off colds this season within a day or two. I feel like I get an instant surge of health when I have my juice or smoothie. When you juice, you aren’t using the energy to digest a big meal, so that energy is used in other ways (to keep you focused throughout the day!). There is also something extremely important that you need to do along with juicing; you need to watch what you eat the rest of the day.

If you juice, then eat garbage foods like chips/cookies/crackers/frozen meals, then you aren’t only putting down the benefits of that morning’s juice, but you can also be preventing the vitamins and minerals from being absorbed into your body through the intestines. When you juice, you should be eating healthy and clean meals for the remainder of your day. This means loads of veggies, fruits, quinoa, and small portions of seeds  and legumes. Foods that take longer to digest or foods that are highly processed will cause a backup in your system, thus preventing the vitamins and minerals from you fresh veggie juice from being absorbed!

Here is a juice concoction that I try to make every morning to achieve focus all day long!

Carrot Cucumber Juice
Recipe Type: Juice
Cuisine: Vegan/Raw
  • 5 carrots (shaved)
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 bunch parsley
  • 1 inch piece of ginger
  1. Juice all veggies through a juicer, stir, and enjoy!


I also use the leftover pulp from juices to add to soups and to make vegetable stock. You should never throw out the leftover pulp! There is always a way to incorporate it back into your diet.


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