Vegan, Gluten-Free and Delicious Ingredients: Savour This Sauce


BB: Marlene, What is your background with cooking?

As a classically trained chef in French cuisine, I bring a solid amount of knowledge to our current project of developing the sauceline by determining what flavors and textures would sync up well to produce delicious sauces.  But my experience and passion for cooking go back to childhood, where I would cook with my mom or grandma, and come to appreciate simple, healthy eating. 


BB:  Michael, In your opinion, what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?

Perseverance and optimism are key.  Unfortunately without a strong academic background in business, we have found the learning curve to be gradual, with many bumps in the road.  The thing about making mistakes is that much can be learned from them if the bigger picture is understood.  Sometimes opportunities will be plentiful, and sometimes they will be non-existent, but it is important to jump on the chance to do things which may empower you, and not hold back.  These are some things I have taken from my experiences in the food industry.

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