Natural Beauty Trends: Kigelia Fruit
What is Kigelia Fruit?
Kigelia fruit is a large fruit that is shaped like a sausage hailing from Africa. Tanzanian tribes have been using this fruit for an abundant amount of natural remedies for generations.
Traditional uses range widely including gastrointestinal remedies, bite wounds, and even beer!

Natural Beauty Remedies
This African fruit has been used throughout tribes to treat many skin ailments such as eczema, psoriasis, and even more serious conditions like skin cancer. Currently, this sausage-esque fruit is used cosmetically as:
- A face mask to reduce acne
- A skin tightening agent for face and even..boobies
- A regenerating treatment
- Antioxidant and anti-bacterial serums

Products containing Kigelia Fruit
Hip hip hooray for a surge in green beauty these past years! Now you can find kigelia fruit in surplus of natural beauty products. Here are some of our top picks:
- Planet Botanicals Face Toner
- Larenim Pore Primer with Kigeila Extract
- Bust and Butt Firming Lotion
- Greenscape Body Wash
Now some of these products aren’t cheap but, if they are going to perk up our behind and tighten our pores? Well, we’ll take it!
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