BEAUTY – Sesame Oil with sea salt exfoliation. Here’s a quick facial that will make your skin feel balanced, soft and glowing. Take about a quarter cup of sesame oil and apply to your face and neck, massage into skin for a few minutes and let sit for a few minutes. Then apply a small handful of coarse sea salt and gently massage the face being very careful with the more sensitive neck area. Sesame oil contains vitamin E and zinc that is widely believed to contribute to nourishing and protecting the skin; and the abrasiveness of the course sea salt removes the excess sesame oil on the skin’s surface as well as getting rid of dead skin cells. Rinse, lightly cleanse with your favorite cleanser, and rinse again.
FITNESS – Aerial Yoga. Try checking out this “anti-gravity” form of yoga that combines Pilates, acrobatics and balance while also using ballet and dance movement. Using a hammock type apparatus, its goal is a total body workout while gently decompressing the spine (vertebrae).
Call fitness centers in your area to see if they have the equipment and hold classes or private instruction. Talk to an instructor about the benefits and if there are any types of issues you may have that would keep you from participating in this form of yoga.

HEALTH – Drink your water! – How about today you have the intention of drinking a MINIMUM of six glasses of water. Let’s not forget how important water is to our bodies for keeping us balanced!
Drinking six to eight glasses a day will help keep you from becoming dehydrated and feeling fatigued. If you’re exercising, ill or breast-feeding, you may want to consider drinking more fluids. For more on the wonders of water, read balanced babe’s post: here

HOME – Replace and update your lamp shades. Spring is a great time to bring in new pops of color and design in the home. Replacing your old lamp shades with a new color combination, design or shape can make a dramatic difference without spending lots of money. Make sure the new shade will match the existing harp/finial of the lamp by making a mental note of it or bring the old shade with you when shopping. Also, check the “shop” section of Balanced Babe regularly for coupons from home or lampshade stores.

NUTRITION – Add tomato paste to your daily diet. Adding just one tablespoon of tomato paste (I use “no salt added”) gives you a very good amount of potassium in addition to close to 10 percent of the recommended amount of vitamins C and A. Add to that, it contains minerals our body needs like magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc. But the star of the show is LYCOPENE! Tomato paste contains tons of lycopene. Known as a potent antioxidant, research continually shows Lycopene may help lower the risk of certain cancers by ridding the body of free radicals.