I’m a Balanced Babe and .. I’m a Model, Actress, Musician and Trainer: Betina Gozo

This week’s Balanced Babe is a whirl of talent. Being an actress, model, musician, and fitness trainer, Betina Gozo is definitely a woman on the go. Currently, Betina is a full time fitness professional specializing in personal training and group fitness classes.  Betina can be seen on various news outlets such as WCIU, WGN, NBC and more, and is the fitness director at CrossTown Fitness. Today we are picking Betina’s brain and asking her all the questions we want to know to be bikini ready this summer – let’s get started! 
BB: What inspired you to become a trainer and a fitness leader?
I always thought I was in shape and was quickly humbled when I did my first circuit training class. I didn’t start lifting weights or do the type of training that I do now until I was 21. The changes I saw and the feeling of accomplishment I gained within myself was something I wanted to help others achieve. I want people to know that just because they can’t do something now, doesn’t mean they never will be able to. I could barely hang from a pull up bar 4 years ago, and now I can rock out 14 in a row without thinking twice about it….but it took hard work, and I want to help people achieve their fitness goals, even if it’s simply to “be healthy” or keep up your children.


BB:  We all want to know, what type of cardio burns the most fat?

If you want to burn more fat, you should lift weights or do high intensity interval training. Steady state cardio will just have you burning calories only during the time you are doing it, but weight lifting and HIIT will keep you burning calories the rest of the day.

BB:  If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be, and why?

Burpees, squats, and pull ups because they are all body weight exercises that you can do anywhere, add variations to, and the combination of all three will give you a total body work out!

BB:  How many hours should we exercise in a week if we want to lose weight?

Longer workouts aren’t necessarily better, efficient work outs are the best ๐Ÿ™‚ Every person is different: depending on their diet, efficiency in their work outs, their sleeping patterns, genetics, and more!

photo source: Nick Jacob

BB:  Any suggestions on pre and post workout food?

Depending on the type of work out you are doing, you want to have a balanced meal with enough carbohydrates and protein before your work out. Post weight lifting work outs, you DEFINITELY need protein, but NOT too much…your body can only digest so much protein at one time.

BB:  Now we want to know more about you, what does your daily schedule look like?

I typically wake up at least an hour or an hour and a half before my first class/client(some days, I teach class at 5AM!)… I don’t like to be rushed, I like to take my time eating breakfast and walking my dog, so that I set the tone for the rest of the day. I teach about 15 classes and have about 10 personal training clients a week, and as the fitness director, I have a lot of other responsibilities I take care of between classes/clients. I also make sure I schedule time to practice what I preach – working out and eating healthy! In the evening, I am usually cruising around on my moped, playing recreational sports with the gym team or jamming out with my band!


BB:  What are your favorite snacks when youโ€™re constantly on the go?

I LOVE banana chia pods from Whole Foods, they are an addiction for me. I also love hummus with veggies and crackers and Chobani Flips – the key lime and peach ones! yummy!

BB:  How do you maintain the Balanced Babe lifestyle?  

Google calendar is my savior. You must schedule a day during the week that is dedicated to yourself and no one else. I think that is so important. I always take Sundays to meal prep for the week, plan my week…and RELAX, so that the rest of my week is smooth sailing. I find that the extra time I have during the week is more enjoyable and less stressful that way. Anytime I get stressed out, I remember how lucky I am to be as busy as I am doing all the things that I love.
photo source: Alex Levi
BB: What’s next on your wellness journey?
I am very competitive with myself, so I always challenge myself to do something I am scared of or something I never thought I can do. No matter how long it takes me to get there, I do my best to take all the steps to get to that goal. I have also promised myself to do more traveling and exploration, even it’s just on my moped going through parts of Chicago I haven’t been to. Exploration is so good for your soul ๐Ÿ™‚
Editors note: I recently took a class at CrossTown Fitness where Betina teaches and let me tell you.. it kicked my ass! Seriously, I couldn’t move without feeling pain (the good kind after you’ve had an intense workout and your muscles are recovering), and after two weeks of classes (about twice a week) I started to notice that I was getting a bit stronger and had more energy throughout the day. The first class I participated in was a total body HIIT workout which was tough for me since I’m typically a yoga and pilates gal, but I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and the calories that I knew I was burning. I recommend CrossTown for anyone who is serious about burning fat, gaining definition and tightening up for the summer months to come in Chicago, it’s definitely now on my list for favorite studios. 

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