Sponsored Post By: Better Way Health
As most of us know, the immune system is responsible for fighting off foreign invaders in your body to keep you strong and healthy. What most of us don’t know is that there are a handful of easy and natural ways to ensure a robust immune system. Your immune system needs to constantly be up to the challenges of whatever life and the environment can throw at it. Below are just a few things to consider:
Invest in Healthy Eating
The immune system army survives off of good nutrients from the food we eat. Malnutrition is one of the leading factors of infections and diseases, and you don’t have to live in a developing nation for this to be a problem. The common western diet of processed foods, sugars and empty calories can leave our bodies craving the things it needs for fuel. Eating foods rich inantioxidants (such as blueberries, kale, quinoa and avocados) can not only help you maintain your health, but also boost your immune potential.
We’re usually told that exercise is good for you. In fact, Harvard Medical School lists regular exercise as one of the most important aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. Most of us probably exercise to stay in shape, maintain weight, train for activities or relieve stress. An additional benefit of exercise, that’s not talked about quite so often, is that it enhances your antibody and natural T-cell response. That means exercising for an hour, five days a week helps you to fight disease.
Don’t Forget to Sleep
Recharging your batteries during either daytime naps or a full 7-8 hours of sleep at night iscritical to immune system function. Sleep rests and rejuvenates the immune system. However, fight the urge to sleep the day away. Too much sleep (more than 9 hours) can actually have a negative effect on your health.
Manage your stress
“Stress is good for you,” said no one ever. As mentioned above, exercise can be great for stress reduction. Other recommend ways to reduce stress include meditating with Yoga or another similar activity, spending time with family and friends, or even just forcing yourself to spend time on another hobby that you enjoy like reading or knitting.
Honor Your Body With Key Vitamins & Supplements
Beta Glucan , found in oat products, is one example of a daily supplement that helps to boost your body’s immune system or help to bring it back to a fighting capacity for those who have immune deficiencies.
Better Way Health, is a rich source of information on Beta Glucan and other natural, alternative health options. Visit our website to learn more about how to stay healthy naturally.