Most who believe in the law of attraction also believe that giving back is one of the most basic laws of the universe (law of compensation). Giving abundantly, whether by time, talent or money, will set us on the path to attaining true abundance in our lives. Good things can happen, for us and for others, when we set giving in motion. A past article: 5 Ways to Bring Your Best Self Forward, touched on reaching out, lifting up and paying it forward. One stone thrown in a pond causes quite a ripple affect. So in the true spirit of giving this holiday season, here are just a few (of many) ways to connect, whether with family, faith, friends or strangers.
Giving Back Your Time, Talent, or Money
1. Local Charities: Chicago has so many opportunities for volunteering time and talent. Volunteering can also become a family tradition. Volunteer Match can get you started, and Live to Support also has a list of Chicago charities worthy of consideration.
2. Your Local Church: Struggling to pay for basics can be magnified over the holidays especially when children are involved. Most churches have drop off boxes or Christmas trees with name tags so that gently used coats and new gifts can be donated to families with children. The Salvation Army also has an Angel Tree Program.
3. Youth/Senior Organizations: Youth and Senior Organizations’ need for ongoing financial support throughout the year brings added opportunities for others to come forward and give back during the holidays. Seniors may especially feel the loneliness that the holidays can bring without family nearby and limited funds. Humanitarian Service Project has just celebrated their 35 year anniversary of service to families and seniors, and H.O.M.E. has been involved in helping seniors maintain their dignity by helping with housing and maintenance for over 30 years:
4.Local Food Banks: Food Banks are vital to families who are on the brink of losing hope. You can give back by donating your time, organizing a food drive, or donating money. “One dollar, one meal, one person at a time” is the goal of the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The Northern Illinois Food Bank covers a twelve county area.
Whether or not you subscribe to universal laws, volunteering can contribute to your well being, may give you the chance to learn a new skill, open up the possibility of a new job opportunity and the chance to make new friends that share your goal of helping others in need.
This holiday season is the perfect time to give back to your community. This is a busy time of year for most with getting everything ready for the holidays, but this can also be the worst time of year for many that have very little to celebrate. You just might get back what you give, and more!
(Main Image Source: Domino Designs)