I can’t believe 2018 is just around the corner! To help rev up your motivational juices to power through New Years resolution ideas, today’s post is from Theresa Siaw, Business Development Director for OMNI Healthcare and competitive power lifter. Theresa is sharing her top three trips for sticking to your 2018 fitness resolutions – which I’ll be adding to my own list of goals this coming New Year – check them out!
If you are gearing up for a new year — and a “new you” — in 2018, you are not alone. However, most people who vow to lose weight after the holidays fail to keep that promise. In fact, 80% of people who sign up for a fitness center in January quit by the second week of February.
I would love to share with you some of the training tips that I use to keep stay motivated all winter long! Just these three simple quick tips, will have you crushing your new year’s resolutions in no time.
1. Challenge Yourself
The day you become complacent in your workout is the day that your workout is no longer effective. Instead of your usual routine on a cardio machine, challenge yourself by adding in short bouts of vigorous exercise. Studies show that when you know the higher-intensity exercise has an end in sight, you tend to work harder. If you have been doing crunches every time you go to the gym, try adding a medicine ball or some dumbbells during your reps. Adding a new challenge will keep you coming back to the gym long after February!
2. Make it Routine
As a single mother with a full-time job, I know how difficult it can be to make time for the gym. Many new year’s resolutions fail because most of us tend to try to squeeze exercise into our schedules. Instead, make going to the gym part of your everyday routine. Ensure working out is a priority on your to-do list, like showering and eating, and it will become a part of your routine. Another way to make sure that you stick to a routine is to workout with buddy who has similar goals. Having to call and make up an excuse every time you skip the gym will give you the kick that you need to stick with it long past the winter months.
3. Set Reasonable Goals
When most people think of goals, they think of them in terms of numbers. We often pick a dream weight that may not be truly attainable, leaving us frustrated when we end up failing. To avoid this, it is best to think of goals in terms of what you’re actually doing to lose the weight rather than on the end result. Instead of saying that you want to lose 10 pounds a month, challenge yourself to run an extra mile each month.
Setting smaller, more attainable goals will make you more likely to succeed. This success, in turn, will keep you motivated and make you want to go to the gym post new-year.
Follow these tips and you will have the greatest chance of success in sticking to your New Year resolution. For more tips and tricks on how to stay fit in the new year, you can head to my site: TheresaSiaw.com
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