If you’d like to make perfect wellness simple and achievable without having to spend hours looking at the latest nutrition, diet or exercise research, Megha Mehta is your gal! Megha is an energy medicine practitioner and health coach who loves to marry intuition with information to make our lives more meaningful and spiritually connected. She believes in creating a freedom lifestyle by writing and coaching while she’s in gardens, coffee shops and occasionally in her own home. Megha is author of the book “Find Your Rhythm” , and face of the Youtube Channel: The Balance Mantra. Megha is gracing us with her presence at Balanced Babe today to share her personal story, her thoughts on Ayurveda and Yoga, and how she lives the Balanced Babe lifestyle.
Hi Balanced Babes! My name is Megha Mehta! I am the ‘rebel’ ‘go-getter’ girl and the youngest of three siblings brought up in a simple Indian family in the South of India! I started The Balance Mantra 3 years ago to bring people closer to their wellness dreams. As a mum-preneur I believe that we are blessed in this day and age to have every single resource that we can pick and choose from, to allow us to design a business with maximum impact!
BB: What inspired you to make a change in your life and start your site?
I was pregnant with my now 3 year old daughter at the time that my intuitive abilities heightened and I began to notice the impact of the foods I ate and the negative effects of stress from work. I realised that I had been trying to fit a square peg in a round hole for way too long in my corporate career and it was time to change direction. I started to engage in trainings and courses to allow myself to get healthier, look better and feel amazing. Soon after I started thebalancemantra.com to inspire others to do the same!
BB: How did you make the switch from a corporate career?
I knew I’d have to take a break from work after my baby came along. But I also knew that my heart wasn’t really in the job to truly want to come back to it. Having a baby just made me rethink my priorities a lot! If I had to come to terms with being away from her and working, I had to make sure it was something that truly counts!
BB: What services do you offer?
I am a holistic health coach who uses a combination of nutrition therapy, energy medicine and counselling to help address the root cause of a concern and help my clients to heal fully from within. I offer one-on-one health coaching, VIP Body Wisdom Breakthrough sessions, Innerwise Therapy as well as Angel Card Reading all in person as well as on Skype.
BB: What are some of your favorite Ayurvedic remedies?
A really simple Ayurvedic remedy that I absolutely love is called Abhyanga. This literally means self-love! Ayurveda has really emphasized on this technique to remove toxins, aid circulation and improve digestion and overall health. You can do a longer version on a day when you have the luxury to or do a shorter version when you’re running low on time.
For the longer version: Sit on a bathmat and take some oil in the palm of your hands. Rub it between your palms to warm the oil and then begin long strokes starting from the arms down to your feet. Remember to pay attention to every finger and every toe. All strokes should be towards your heart.
Shorter version: If you plan to shampoo your hair (or don’t mind a wee bit of oil on your scalp) then go ahead and apply a few drops of oil to the scalp and a few drops on the soles of your feet. Massage in round complete strokes.
Abhyanga is an enormously relaxing and very rewarding experience and helps to develop awareness within the body. It is useful to use the highest quality cold-pressed organic oils that you can find – remember your body is eating whatever you put on your skin. If you have sensitive skin (Pitta) you can use coconut oil, if your skin is dry (Vata) then use Sesame oil and if you have oily skin (Kapha) then olive oil will work well for you!
BB: You’re also certified in yoga! How do you incorporate the practice in your everyday life?
I commit to getting on the mat at least 4 times a week no matter what. Early morning work best for me! I practice Ashtanga but very often I like to follow my own body’s rhythm as I begin my practice. A lot of times, I end up having insights, creative ideas and clarity as I move through on the mat so sometimes I pause to note some of them down quickly because more often than not, I’ll forget by the time I am through!
I also like to stretch several times a day and sit on the floor as much as possible! Sitting on the floor is a great way to keep your hamstrings from getting tighter and to allow blood circulation to nourish your heart.
BB: What are some benefits of yoga that we might not know?
Practicing yoga has given me a strong foundation to being able to listen to my body. Even as I practice energy medicine and tune in to my body to understand the emotions, fears and blocks causing a specific issue, I realise that my yoga practice has set the foundation pretty strong for me to be able to do so.
BB: After 10+ years of health and nutrition training, what are some of your favorite tips you can share with us?
Make friends with your body! Invest the time to tune in to your body several times a day, even if it’s for a few seconds. The foundation you set by understanding your body’s internal landscape can take you a long way in guiding your lifestyle and diet decisions. If you know what your body feels like exactly when you’re at your best and worst it’s easy to have an accurate understanding of what to choose for your perfect wellness, on a day to day basis!
BB: How do you maintain the Balanced Babe lifestyle?
I step out into nature every once in a while. I like to allow my mind to slow down and feel like I have the luxury of time, every now and then. That allows me to stay sane in a crazy paced urban materialistic life!
I also love to journal and write poems. They help me make sense of the world, differentiate between my authentic voice and the voices of the people around me and listen to my own inner wisdom more than anything else.
BB: What is one health mantra that you live by?
Get out of your mind and into your body!
BB: What’s next for you and Balance Mantra?
I am super excited to have launched my first book Find Your Rhythm worldwide last month! I am looking forward to taking The Balance Mantra to the next level with a signature home-study program that makes drop dead wellness intuitive and easy to follow.
I am also planning to continue writing to inspire new ways of enjoying wellness. As I move back to India in 2015 I plan to speak to, travel, write for and coach inspired women across the globe!