A lot of us may know what acupuncture is, a system of medicine that uses sterilized needles to prick the skin in specific areas for specific ailments. Acupuncture is used to treat physical and mental pain, and to balance the flow of qi (energy) through our passageways (meridians). Using acupuncture is also believed to stimulate muscles and tissues that increase blood flow and circulation which acts as a pain killer.
However, a new system that also acts as acupuncture is gaining world wide attention: Nutripuncture.
What is Nutripuncture?
According to the Hippocrates Health Institute, Nutripuncture is defined as..
“Nutripuncture works like Acupuncture, without the needles. Instead, it uses nutrients which are small tablets imprinted with a homeopathic dilution, having an immediate action on a cellular level of the organs. It restores the information and the function of the organs and emotional blockages.”
Broken down into simple terms, some practitioners claim Nutripuncture has the following benefits.
- Supports the body’s self regulation by stimulating and strengthening the organs and meridians
- Reduces Stress
- Optimizes our body’s currents to provide defense, nutrition and energy
- Improves communication between DNA, brain and body
- Helps the body adjust to changing seasons
- Sustains organ circuits
When Should Someone Use Nutripuncture?
According to articles I found, it is optimal to try nutripuncture when…
- When you are anxious, stress, or fatigued
- Experiencing sleeplessness or insomnia
- When you want to diffuse a traumatic experience
- When you want to feel more centered and balanced
With all of that said, I have never tried Nutripuncture before. I believe it is a great alternative to acupuncture if you are nervous around needles, and if you want to experiment with a new supplement. I just received some samples of Nutripuncture Yin & Yang, which sparked my curiosity to look up more information on this system. And, since it’s Wednesday you know what that means! A Nutripuncture giveaway for one lucky reader compliments of Nutripuncture.com. I am raffling off Nutripuncture’s Yin/Yang supplement which they say helps us balance our Yin and Yang energies.
If you want to read up on the history of Nutripuncture, you can access it here. Nutripuncture.com is jam packed with more information on this system, so feel free to explore their website. Their giveaway will end November 12th at 11:59pm, and terms are within the rafflecopter. Good luck!
Sources on Nutripuncture: Hippocrates Health Institute , Holistic Health Resources, Nutripuncture.com
Disclaimer: Nutripuncture gave me complimentary samples to review and raffle off, all thoughts, opinions and writings are my own. It is important to remember that all symptoms must be evaluated, especially when acute and/or persistent, and require specific tests prescribed by your medical doctors.
Image Sources: first image – qigong15.com, second and third image – nutripuncture.com
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