Closet Detox: Can We Dress With Less?



Ok ladies, is it possible to live with less in our wardrobe?  How do we get motivated to just do it? It doesn’t happen overnight and most of us have to ease into a closet detox….and let’s be honest, some of us just don’t want to give up our closet full of treasures –  Oh how we love our stylish clothes and fabulous shoes!

photo source: nubry

Do you have a conglomerate of clothes hung in your closet you bought only to wear once to a special event?  Are you a shopaholic whose forte is buying clothing on sale…whether you need them or not?  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked in my closet full of clothes and had no idea what to wear. 


The general rule of thumb:

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Start purging your closet of items that you haven’t worn in at least a year;

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If you don’t love it and haven’t been wearing it then why keep it?

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The 80/20 principle: only 20 percent of your clothes are worn 80 percent of the time;



To inspire and motivate:


Sit back, relax and visualize as you read some of our favorite picks that will inspire and motivate you to start your closet detox now and dress with less. Who knows, once you’ve shed your closet of outdated and unworn items, you might just want to invest in stylish storage containers, built-in drawers, wooden or padded hangers or even a new palette of color!


(Main photo source:


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