I’m three weeks away from my wedding as I type this, and on the outside I may look poised and calm, but on the inside I’m FREAKIN OUT! Most likely because we just had a water leak last week in our apartment and I had to relocate myself and my child to the suburbs and lost almost an entire week of planning! But I digress! I’ve taken note of my frantic ways and now I’m tapping into my inner wisdom to help guide me intuitively and find balance and excitement when it comes to wedding planning.
Believe me when I say I KNOW how stressful it can be to plan your wedding, especially as you get closer to the big day and you have all these little tasks you need to complete and all these details you didn’t think of during the beginning of the planning process. To help navigate you through this exciting but sometimes overwhelming time, I’ve put together some tips below to help you stay sane and balanced during wedding planning!
Give up on perfection.
This, I believe, is the most important thing you can do for your big day! Coming from a die hard perfectionist, I’ve realized that by becoming hyper obsessed over every little detail adds immensely to my stress over the entire ordeal. By letting go a bit (just a bit!) and getting in the mindset of going with the flow, no matter what, and that every single detail is going to fly by with a blink of an eye, you’ll maintain a bit (or a lot) of sanity through the planning process.
When the frazzled feeling creeps up, give yourself a break.
This is extremely true as you get closer to your big day and you’re dealing with matters such as the day-of timeline, and seating arrangement/floor plan. The more frazzled you become during this process, the harder it is to be efficient and productive. When you feel overwhelmed, take a break and do something you enjoy such as going for a run or relaxing for a bit. The mental break will give you a new perspective and fresh eyes when you start to tackle the project again.
Save time and money by sourcing your wedding bands online.
Yes, we know that some of us NEED to go to the store to design our engagement ring and sometimes our wedding bands, but typically wedding bands are either solid gold or have just a touch of diamonds. By sourcing your wedding bands or even bridal sets online, you are saving time spent having to make a trip to a jeweler. And let’s face it, shopping online is becoming more and more of a norm because of the simple fact that it saves so. much. time. Typically with jewelry as well, the final product in person looks pretty much identical to the images online.
Another bonus? You can save money! If you don’t know where to begin when it comes to the online search for your bands, Clean Origin is an extremely reputable and trustworthy brand. Not only are their rings beautiful and filled with intricate detail, their engagement rings and wedding bands can be anywhere from 20-40% less expensive than purchasing your bands in a jewelry store.
Choose your battles.
This also plays into the “lose your perfectionist mindset”. I have a very clear and concise vision of how I want my wedding to be. This vision has already lead to me having a few freak outs when things don’t go as planned, but I’m learning quickly that I need to choose my battles when it comes to making everything come together. This requires being flexible when it comes to wedding details. A good question to ask yourself is, what are the three most important elements of your wedding? If anything else falls outside of your top three priorities, add flexibility to your planning process as problems (and there are always planning challenges) arrive!
Focus on having fun during the planning process.
I know how nerve wracking planning your wedding can be, but try to find fun and humor in every situation! Adopting this mindset can do wonders for your wedding planning sanity! You can do this by planning fun dates around your planning process, such as enjoying rose on a rooftop while you work on the guest list. Immerse yourself in a creative and fun environment as you organize your to do list. Turn your to do list into fun and creative dates. Make an adventure out of your cake tasting by doing a fun activity or date after that meeting. This also ensures that you will be creating lasting memories out of the planning process by incorporating fun memories into your planning to-do list.
Outsource what is giving you grief.
This one is huge! Take a moment and think about what your greatest strengths are with planning this wedding. Go through your to do list and look at tasks that have to be done. If there is anything on there that gets you stressed out just by looking at it, then outsource it! This could be putting together the floor plan, the design, or any element of the wedding that makes you feel out of sorts.
Have a go to contact for the day of.
The last thing you want to deal with on your wedding day is having to get in touch with vendors, hair, or your makeup contact. If you have a day of coordinator, she should be the point of contact for all of your vendors. Any family out of town should have someone’s number to get in touch with if they’re running late, perhaps a bridesmaid of even an immediate family member. You should be feeling calm, centered and totally zen for your big day!
The number one most important thing to remember through this journey, is that the focus should be on enjoying the process, the moments, and ensuring that your big day is filled with feelings of happiness, love and calm! With these tips on how to maintain your sanity, you’ll definitely be a balanced bride!
Disclaimer: this post is in partnership with Clean Origin. All content and thoughts are 100% my own.