Honey is not solely known as a natural way to sweeten a healthy dessert or tea any more. Honey is being used for medicinal purposes (to suppress a cough, and calm a sore throat) and for natural beauty remedies and more. I myself use honey in face masks, hair masks, and in many recipes because of its great health and beauty benefits that I want to share with you here! I’ve done some research and found some great healing properties in honey, and am excited to share my findings! Keep scrolling, because at the end there is a super special honey giveaway!
For Health:
– Contains antioxidants and flavinoids, which can be linked to preventing cancer and heart disease: This is another reason to put honey in your green tea! This study indicates that consuming honey increases your ORAC levels, which shows that it has antioxidants within it. The antioxidants in natural, organic honey can also lower plasma glucose in the blood, according to this study.
– Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal: This study shows the effect of honey on pathogens and it’s antibacterial properties. This means that honey can be a natural fighter of infections, and could possibly help clear up acne from the inside out!
– Can boost your immune system: All of the minerals and vitamins in raw, organic honey work together to fight the common cold.
– Honey is probiotic, which also helps maintain proper digestion and weightloss . I start my day with a cup of warm water mixed with apple cider vinegar, half a lemon, and a dollop of honey. This mixture detoxes my body of toxins, gets my system working, and helps fight stomach ulcers since this mixture is alkalizing! Organic honey also contains bifidobacteria, which acts as a probiotic to the digestive system. This study shows that bifidobacteria in honey can promote healthy pH levels in the colon which will help maintain proper digestion.
One way I use honey for beauty:
Organic Honey can help banish acne and facial blemishes because of its anti bacterial properties: Studies have shown the topical use of honey on wounds and infections, and when used as a facial mask, some may determine that it can help clear up blemishes from these same antibacterial properties as well. For me, I mix 1 tbsp of honey with 1 egg white and 1 tsp of virgin olive oil, mix it together, and massage it into my face for an antibacterial facial mask.
I always make sure I buy raw and organic honey so that I am not missing out on any vitamins, enzymes or minerals. These healthy properties can be stripped away when buying refined honey. Which leads me to my giveaway!!
This organic honey from Y.S. Eco Bee Farms, is by far one of my favorite natural and organic products, and I use their honey for both recipes and in my daily cup of tea.
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