Balanced Babe is featured on along with other wonderful websites and blogs to bring more awareness to holistic nutrition. When I was notified about Balanced Babe being among the list- I was thrilled!
Holistic Nutrition Degree provides readers with an abundant amount of information regarding education requirements, resources, and links to other informative outlets. This is definitely a site I am bookmarking!
I received some samples of a plant protein powder mix, omega 3 capsules, and probiotics from this awesome new nutritional manufacturer USANA (Thank you, Angie!) and so far I am so very pleased! I mix the plant based protein powder in with my smoothies and juices for an extra boost pre or post workout (or before I am on the go-all day), and I take the probiotics morning and night. I can’t wait to get the chance to collaborate more with this network of amazing products!
I was contacted by this great rewards program business that has a profusion of health & wellness gift affiliates, by the name of Giift. You can share and trade in your current gift cards for other cards, or just browse Giift’s current selection. Some wellness based programs that I found useful: